
Hi There!

I am Spandan. I will begin with a formal introduction. I am a MSc student of Physics at NISER, Bhubaneswar, India, who is working (or trying to work) on nanoscale devices, and planning to study Quantum Transport phenomena. I am currently working on getting a procedure ready to make and test devices made up of materials with structures analogous to what we have already seen in black-phosphorus. That aside, while I am doing that, I plan to go through some proper theory in Mesoscopic Physics (starting from some basic stuff) and document it here as I go around learning things that I haven’t seen or head of before.

That being said, I am human, and I will make mistakes along the way. If any of you readers find anything that seems off, feel free to email me at my public email address as and when you wish. I appreciate new ways to look at things and criticism of all sorts.

The Plan

The plan here is simple. I pick a topic, read it through thoroughly and try to explain it as simply as I can, because I know that I have understood a concept only if I can explain it to other people who have some basic idea of what I am talking about. At the same time, I want to make sure that I understand what I have wanted to say when I eventually forget a concept and feel the need to look back. I expect this to be a tedious but a welcome exercise given that it will help multiple people, including me at the same time.

I will be following Sergey Frolov’s YouTube lectures along with the three books that I list below. I have gone through parts of them while attending the course at my college, taken by Professor Colin Benjamin. I highly recommend having a look them if you’ve got some time at hand. They are:

I will start with some concepts that I had not covered in my coursework, and some of the things that I find are hard to understand. I can then go back to revising some of the things that I might have forgotten.


I will have no particular schedule for posts and I will post as soon as I am done with a major chunk of the topic. I will continue writing the blog till I have had a spark for a novel idea maybe, and will keep most of what I say well referenced and open source.

See you in the next post!